Thursday, June 4, 2009


We had a mother bird (we didn't know that exactly the time) coming with nest supplies into one of our Topsy-Turvy's. We checked the nest a few days later to see eggs in there! 5 of them, we don't know if the 5th one made it or not, but there were beautiful baby birds within a few weeks time. :) The babies have tiny little feathers now, and seem to be doing fine. They seem to be a really happy family!

Edited/Updated by Mom: It was early May when we watched the mama building. A few days later, we checked to find 4 eggs! A little bit of internet research told us that it was a house wren who laid the speckled peach eggs. First, there were four ...

Later, there were five! After about 2 1/2 weeks, the eggs started darkening, especially around the ends. We assumed hatchlings would be coming soon.

Aaaaaaaand we were right! It was only a few days before all eggs hatched. From the time the mama started building the nest until the chicks hatched was just about three weeks. All five seem to be present in this photo.

What a difference a week makes! After our cardinal babies of a few years ago, these little guys are relatively docile. It's always easy to see four, and occasionally we think we see a fifth, but not sure if it's just an optical illusion because they're so snug in the nest.

And after just a few more days, the nest is getting a little crowded while the babies attempt to stretch their growing wings. Four? Five?


anna said...

oh ya their house wrens

Mary said...


anna said...

they are house wrens

Mary said...

In other words ...

They are house wrens.

anna said...

a-greed. that was what i was saying

Mary said...

Kind of like IM'ing -- If we're going to do this, I'd like for you to use capitals and punctuation.


P.S. Where's your avatar?

anna said...

I don't know....